Arashi <3
Sunday, March 29, 2009

飛輪海的演唱會超棒﹗﹗﹗ OMG他們的表演真的超有舞台魅力﹗﹗﹗ 他們唱了大概30首歌吧。。。 好多耶﹗﹗ 沒想到他們會延長那麼多歌曲﹗﹗ 大東超帥的﹗ 他的髮型的讓他變成全世界最帥的人啦﹗亞綸呢可愛參了﹗

10.特別表演 + 超喜歡你
17.MY GIRL, 老實情歌﹐暗戀你﹐ UPTOWN GIRLS



我進去之後才發現我的座位是在後面﹗﹗:X 沒關係啦。。。只要能見到飛輪海四個帥男人就足夠了。然後我就到VIP那邊去見我的另外五個PUDDING朋友。我們見面之後就HIGH起來。我看有三個人穿PUDDING T-SHIRT。 哈哈。。。 我呢就穿我的STAGE LOL 因為那天我真的不知道該穿什麼。。。這是我第一次的演唱會﹐所以我要穿的漂亮。我們就拍幾張紀念照。

演唱會在8.20pm 終於開始了。第一首歌曲是 出神入化 ﹗﹗﹗OMG在這個時刻真的HIGH起來了啦﹗﹗ 我一邊用我的相繼錄影他們的表演一邊打呼大叫。 不管我唱的那麼大聲我都聽不見我自己的聲音﹗ 我還是唱的更大聲﹗大東超帥的耶。。。 他跳舞的時候啊。。。超吸引人的。。。 亞綸跟其他兩個人也是。。。 而且超有爆發力的甚至我似乎能感覺到舞台好像有點顫抖。。。 XD 接下來他們就演唱 我有我的YOUNG ﹗﹗﹗ 也是一首跳舞的歌曲﹗﹗飛輪海跳得好棒~~ 讓我重新愛上了飛輪海﹗﹗ 唱完了之後他們就跟我們打招呼。 然後他們唱 心裡有數 ﹗﹗ 超可愛的﹗﹗ 我超喜歡這首歌﹐所以他們唱的時候我當然很開心。然後就是 寂寞暴走 ﹗﹗ 超搖滾風的﹗﹗我也想動起來了呢。。。

然後他們去換衣服﹐演唱 小小大人物 ﹗﹗ 蠻可愛的啊。。。 也有一些DISNEY的人LOL 然後他們就歡迎四個幸運的灰姑娘來跟他們上台互動以及唱 愛到 。 然後CALVIN就秀了他的B-BOX功能。有兩個片段。 我倒覺得第二段比較好看。 他超厲害的耶﹗ 超帥﹗﹗ 然後飛輪海的其他三個成員有上台﹐ 表演 愛的王道 ﹗﹗ 這首歌也是我很喜歡的一首歌。因為這 首歌沒有拍MV我有點不開心﹐可是看了他們的表演我就好滿足也更HIGH﹗﹗﹗ 然後他們就唱 夏雪 ﹗ YAY 好棒喔。。。

唱了 夏雪 之後他們就做了一個特別表演,就是大東彈電吉他﹐亞綸彈鋼琴﹐ CALVIN做B-BOX﹐ 吳尊打鼓。好像一個小ROCK BAND﹗﹗ 好棒喔﹗﹗ 他們每一個人都好帥﹗然後就ROCK起來了﹗﹗ 因為他們唱 超喜歡你 ﹗﹗ 真的。。。如果沒有在現場看到他們表演 超喜歡你 就不完整了啦﹗ 他們四個人都在跳來跳去的﹗ 我也好HIGH﹗﹗﹗然後他們就唱另外一首搖滾歌曲﹐ 越來越愛﹗﹗﹗ 超HIGH的﹗﹗ OMG我越來越愛。。。。。 真的身不由己地動起來了﹗﹗﹗

接下來呢是大東的SOLO﹗﹗﹗ 感覺好像我親愛的鬼龍回來了﹗﹗﹗﹗ 除了大東沒有穿黑色的外套﹐我能看到鬼龍還活著﹗帥參了﹗﹗﹗ 他還演唱了一首充滿搖滾的歌曲!! 還好我沒有直接昏倒在現場﹗然後大東就把他的電吉他換成普通吉他﹐ 來跟飛輪海演唱 一個人流浪 ﹗﹗ 大東彈得吉他超棒﹗﹗ 他們唱得也好深情﹗﹗ 然後他們唱 出口﹗﹗ 也是我另外最喜歡的一首情歌﹐因為歌詞好感人﹐ 飛輪海也唱的很好﹗﹗

亞綸呢就一邊唱 一路上有你 ﹐一邊彈鋼琴。 真的很好聽﹐ 雖然有點走音。 然後他就邀請了劉力楊﹐ 跟他一起合唱 TI AMO。 超浪漫的。。。。 可惜他忙著彈鋼琴﹐ 沒有跟劉力楊在台上互動。 但是當我在錄影 TI AMO 的時候呢﹐有一個工作人員跟我說不能錄影﹐只能拍照。我連聽都不聽﹐亞綸唱完了TI AMO﹐我又繼續錄影 LOL

飛輪海的’四聯特別表演‘ 超棒﹗﹗當他們唱MY GIRL的時候﹐ 我真的很驚訝﹗我從來沒想到他們會唱這首歌曲。 蠻可愛的耶。。。 UPTOWN GIRLS也很可愛﹗﹗ 他們也有跳舞喔﹗ 哈哈﹗﹗﹗

下一首歌是 不會愛 ﹗ 全場就變成了萬人KTV﹗(包括我XD) 時間好像回到我看 終級一家 的時候。。。
然後他們唱 至少還有我 跟吳尊的打鼓表演! 其實我不得不垮他的表演﹐ 因為他太厲害了﹗我能看得出來他的用功。 然後飛輪海四個人就表演兩首RAP歌曲﹐就是 不死之謎 跟 雙截滾。 超棒﹗﹗真的﹗ 飛輪海好像都適合演唱每一種音樂風。

然後他們唱 恆星!!! 這可是其中一個最好的表演﹗ 因為有大東RAP﹐另外三個在唱。而且最後的CHORUS﹐大東做了RAP﹐而其他三個人還在唱。 我喜歡這個效果﹗﹗最後兩首歌曲是 最佳聽眾 跟 為你存在。

飛輪海下了台之後我們就大叫ENCORE﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗ ENCORE﹗﹗﹗﹗當他們終於再次上太﹐我覺得他們就越來越帥﹗他們的造型我從照片的確看過﹐可是看了他們本人就覺得他們更帥﹗﹗ 而且大東有戴一雙好可愛的’貓耳朵‘﹗﹗ 超可愛的﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗第一個人出場是CALVIN。他表現他的舞功超吸引人的﹗﹗(我有在想是不是小豬教他什麼舞步XD)他們就唱四首很好聽的歌﹐ 只對你有感覺﹐美麗新世界﹐新窩跟留下來。我想ENCORE時時最棒的﹗ 只對你有感覺﹐新窩跟美麗新世界有那種很爽的FEEL﹗留下來呢是充滿ROCK的FEEL﹗﹗ 因為我的CAMERA沒有點了 (:X) 我就能享受一下真正的氣氛﹐以及真的動起來﹗﹗

他們離開之前就不斷的道歉﹐但是我反而要感謝大東因為給了我機會來看這場演唱會﹗﹗ 我一輩子都不會忘這天的感覺跟氣氛﹗﹗

OMG frh's concert is the best!!!!!!!! just seeing vids on youtube is nothing compared to watching them live!!!!!! They sang around 30 songs, lasting over 3 hours. I thought they'd sing around 20+ songs LOL Jiro was the most handsome of them all LOL he was the real poser king, posing all the way and even from far, where i could hardly see their faces really upclose (i was sitting in the 2nd last row :X), i could still make up which of the four persons is Jiro cos i was already so familiar with his style and poses on stage! He was really burnign and scorching hot! there's no one else like him!! (almost as if gui long finally came back to life, lighting up flames in my mind LOL) all of them were as handsome, and arron was the cutest LOL

List of songs:
1.chu shen ru hua
2.wo you wo de young li you shu
4.ji mo bao zou
5.xiao xiao da ren wu dao
7.Calvin's beat box (two parts XD) de wang dao
9.xia xue
10.special performance (chun on drums, jiro on electric guitar, arron on piano and calvin beatboxing) + chao xi huan ni
11.yue lai yue ai
12.jiro's electric guitar solo - zi you
13.yi ge ren liu lang
14.chu kou
15.arron's piano solo - yi lu shang you ni
16.ti amo (with jade liu li yang) girl, lao shi qing ge, an lian ni, uptown girls
18.bu hui ai
19.zhi shao hai you wo
20.chun's japanese drum performance
21.bu si zhi mi
22.shuang jie gun
23.heng xing
24.zui jia ting zhong
25.wei ni cun zai
26.zhi dui ni you gan jue
27.mei li quan shi jie wo
29.liu xia lai

I reached bukit jalil at around 6 something. First i went to endah parade to eat dinner first LOL I wasnt even hungry, i was probably hungry to see Jiro anyway XD then i WALKED all the way to the LRT station where i met my friend and then we walked to Stadun Putra, which was right behind the station. We were talking all the way cos we havent met for 3 months liao :X So jealous of her... she got an autographed poster (all four of their autographs!!) cos she bought her ticket from the fan club.


there was a booth selling frh's cds, including their concert one, i think, but i din buy any of them cos pocket dry already XD then i went in.

it was then only that I realised that my seat was at the second last row!!! X( Grahhhhh~~ anyway... then i went to the VIP seating there to look for the Puddings. We managed to have a little pudding meeting LOL and we took a pic also for rememberence :) i would never forget that moment cos it was really a pleasure meeting all 5 of them and they all really friendly and welcoming :) we were all really high and 3 of them were wearing their Pudding t-shirts! haha... now i kinda feel like i want a pudding t-shirt myself XD I, on the other hand, was wearing the STAGE t-shirt that I bought in HK last year, cos I couldnt decide what else to wear LOL It was my first concert ever, and i wanted it to be memorable so i wanted to wear something nice, and ta-daa!! I wore STAGE:)

I need to say something about the stadium. It didnt seem like a real concert cos i paid RM178 for my ticket, not only was I already sitting at the back (not the stadium's fault, but just my ranting), they gave us plastic chairs to sit on! as if tehy couldnt afford nice chairs!! i could just bring in my own chair and sit WTH. And it wasnt even decorated nice enough. There were two screens on each side and one above the stage. GAHH~~ and the stage is so damn small, no ext stages, and no moving stages. CRAP I'll just ignore all that cos it'll ruin my mood. Its kinda like an auto session with chairs O.o

I sat at my seat, waiting patiently after chatting wth the puddings til around 8 pm. Finally at 8.20 there was this opening act by a Msian artiste, Karen Kong. She sang around two songs. I was actually wishing that she would wrap up more quickly cos i didnt have the least idea what song she was singing and i wanted to see FRH!!!! Finally after she went off the stage, the big (not THAT big, for a small concert like this, but considered big since i was sitting so far behind), there was an 'opening video' of frh playing on the screen. OMG it showed each of tehm making their most SHUAI-EST poses and JIRO!!! Jiro's hair was KILLING!! and I dont need to mention as naturally blazing hot he is, he had to make the temperature rise even more in that vid. (get what I mean?) i started yelling the minute Jiro appeared on the vid cos he was just too hot to resist!!

And then FRH suddenly burst in singing chu shen ru hua, that magnificent, in the mood theme song of The X Family. They danced really perfectly although I was too far to actually see all their dance moves. And Jiro was as usual, dancing while radiating the heat right in my face LOL I coul tell it was him cos of his signature poses and style onstage. It really stands out eh. And when it got to the middle part, the part where they go "wei shen me yao wo bei fu zhe xie... NI SHUO!!", i could really feel the stage rocking and vibrating, in fact the whole stadium!! Jiro was just as hot as the god knows what hottest star in the universe, calvin also, he was extremely handsome with his 'grass hair' and arron was extremely cute!!! Obviously the minute they came onstage, i immediately couldnt resist to yell even louder, totally hypnotised by their hotness, but I also didnt forget to activate my camera and record this unforgettable performance :)

Immediately after that, they sang wo you wo de young! another dance track, OMG they looked so shuai while dancing (even my hand who wanted to rest couldnt do so because i had to record!!) It reminds me of teh first time I started liking frh XD haha And then after that was xin li you shu!! Hahahahahhaha!! I love that song and this reminds me of the MV XD So cuteeeeeeeeee..... and right after that was ji mo bao zou! So rocking!!! FRh were like jumping and I kinda felt like jumping too, but i had to resist cos if i jumped then my vid would be jumping also XD

Then they went backstage to change and a few mins later the screen was showing some hot air balloons, and then xiao xiao da ren wu started playing! There were some dancers on stage who were dressed up in disney themed clothes. haha~ FRH then appeared in their 'pilot' costumes and the performance was cute, except that i missed those egg chairs in the MV LOL After that they invited the 'cinderellas' on stage and interacted with them for a while before singing ai dao with them. Tehy even held their hands....(resists being jealous LOL)

then was Calvin's magnificent Beatbox performance:) he was wearing white!!! he started beatboxing, it was great, really!! There were two parts to it, I thought that the 2nd part was better :) Calvin is really good at beatboxing :) Then the other three came back on stage to sing another of my most fav song, ai de wang dao! I have to admit that I was pretty (very) disappointed when there wasnt a MV for thsi song but I think they made it up with a magnificent performance!! Actually its my first time seeing them perform this song, but i can say that they have definitely done a great job! After that was xia xue:) Then they went backstage again.

Okay.. after that is one great hell of a performance!! cos it was like FRH suddenly changed into a band, not a boy band with good looks and all that, but a REAL band, each of them with their own special talents!! There was Jiro (my hot and blazing Jiro, it added to the flames, the fact that jiro was wearing RED and BLACK!!!!!) on the electric guitar, an EXACT replica of my hubby Gui Long!!), Arron on piano, the sentimental part of Arron LOL, Calvin doing vocals by beat boxing LOL, he really looked hot, I have to say, and finally Chun on drums. Pretty impressive, really, and it was like a real band!! i was cheering til i couldnt even hear my own voice, but it made me cheer even louder! It was really ROCKING as well, making the atmosphere almost feel like a rock concert!! And then after that they brought on a really rocking song, chao xi huan ni!!! OMg my fave song from Hana Kimi!!! Cos it has a lot of Jiro-ness in it and also Jiro gets to rock his way through and also RAP in the middle!! Jiro did release his rock in him, and the rest of them too. Calvin did Jiro's rap part though. i really wanted to see Jiro rapping that part, but then i didnt feel angry or anything. i guess I was either too high or i actually just thought that Clavin did an equally good job rapping!! But IMO Jiro is the most suitable rapping this part cos this song is definitely xiu Yi's song in Hana Kimi, and Jiro, having acted as Xiu Yi, is the most suitable one to relive the cuteness and determinedness of Xiu Yi!!! Jiro was jumping A LOT, like a rock band's lead singer!! And his shuai poses too!! And if that was not enough to make anyone go REAL HIGH, the next song was yue lai yue ai!! Another ROCK song!!! OMg I am so happy all those shouting didnt make me lose my voice!! Yue lai yue ai was great!!!! They were jumping, obviously, and hearing it LIVE makes it feel better cos it brings out the FEEL of the song, conveying our love for FRH and their love for us!!! I seriously felt like jumping as high as I could but eh... the camera la....

And as if that isnt enough to make me go mad with HIGHNESS, right after that was : *music playing* *jeng jeng jeng jeng* JIRO'S SOLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a wind blowing... *whoosh* And Gui Long appears on the stage reincarnated as Jiro!!!! Except that Gui Long has upgraded his hot black jacket to a balck and red outfit (eheh... still gui long's traditional colours!!) And he's still with his infamous ELECTRIC GUITAR that has been repainted WHITE!! (i prefer the black one LOL), duno bout his pick, the 'tie ke wu ji' though LOL okayy.. enough of Gui Long fantasizing... T cut it short, Jiro is just simply the hottest guy in earth ( i duno bout the martians LOL) and he just knows how to strut his stuff on stage!!! And to top it all off, he sang this really ROCKING rock song called zi you!! he was doing all those rock poses and stuff and really making his 'rock soul' visible to everyone else!! At the end of it, he just lied on the floor cos he was too tired, but magnificent, beyond magnificent performance, really!!

And OMG thats not the end of my Jiro!! Jiro then 'changed' from the evil and vision-blinding Gui Long to the loving and sentimental Xia Tian!!! He changed his guitar to an acoustic one and then joined FRH and sang yi ge ren liu lang!! They sat on ths stairs and sang it... OMG it sounded so nice.... and right after that was chu kou, another of my most fave songs from their first album!! ahhhhhhh~~ i always wondered how it would feel when they sang it LIVE! I love the lyrics to this song and they really sang it well, full of emotion!!!!!

then it was Arron's turn to show his stuff. He played the piano and sang yi lu shang you ni at teh same time. It did go out of key for a moment but otherwise IMO he did a great job!! Then, he cont playing the piano, this time, he did Ti Amo. He sang at the same time, of course, and he welcomed jade Liu Li Yang to sing it with him. Too bad he didnt get to interact with her on stage but the performance weas great!!! GAHHH~~ some worker at the back, stopped me from taking vids! He told me that can only take pics, i was like WTF... I did stop recording, but after Ti Amo, I still cont recording! I paid for the ticket, do you think I will be so good to listen and NOT take vids? LOL that's just not me!!

Then FRH went back stage again and returned to continue to amaze us with a very interesting performance, which consisted of 2 english songs and 2 chinese songs. I was really, really surprised when they did Uptown Girls and My Girl. O.O But it was nice actually and really unexpected! They actually danced along to Uptown Girls LOL so cuteeee~~

Next up was Bu Hui Ai! Ahhhh~~~ one of my fave songs from The X Family!!! Woo~ nice ballad, i couldnt resist to not record it although i knew my battery was draining by the second LOL The expressionon all of their faces were so deep and absorbed (although i was mostly looking at Jiro all the time XD) it really was as if i was dragged back into the X Family era... (remember Xia Tian and Han?) Then it was time to sing Zhi Shao Hai You Wo.... you can imagine it was as good as Bu Hui Ai... and then it was time for the last major solo performance, also one of the best, next the jiro's electrifying performance. it's Chun's taiko drums performance! it was really impressive and really good!! I really have to give the guy credit for his performance!!

Right after that was a really impressive double rap performance! Two songs: Bu Si Zhi Mi and Shuang Jie Gun! It totally had the 'feel' and everyone, i mean EVERYONE was superrrrr high!! Although i couldnt exactly rap to both songs at the same time, i really felt like jumping up and down, but i had to think of my camera first LOL

Then came Heng Xing, the song from DCF a.k.a. Rolling Love. I have to admit the drama wasnt so good but this song was done really well!! It had that desired effect and eventhough frh have been singing for more than two hours, i could still feel their energy level was constant throughout these few memorable hours!! Jiro's voice was bursting through the song and the best part was that during the last chorus, while the other three was singing (arron was doing low hollow voices while the other two did the background voices), Jiro rapped the rap part of teh song to go with it! That was indeed the best part of the song and it had a wonderful effect on the last part, and also making us even more HIGH!!!! Then they foloowed up with Zui jia Ting Zhong and Wei Ni Cun Zai.

When FRH went off the stage after saying thank you to all of us, we responded with extremely loud yells of ENCORE!!! ENCORE!!!!!!! Not long after that, they emerged on stage again with VERY,VERY CUTE COSTUMES!!!!! Jiro was wearing these cute 'kitty dong' ears (cat ears!!!XDDD) and he was wearing ORANGE!!!!!!! But right before they came onstage, Calvin, in real bright green (shuaiiiii!!!!) was the first to emerge and he displayed a real good and impressive dance performance!! (who knows... xiao zhu might have taught him a thing or two LOL) they sang Zhi Dui Ni You Gan Jue, Mei Li Quan Shi Jie, Xin Wo and Liu Xia Lai. the screen was showing pics of the gong zais, which made it even more uber cute!! my camera battery ran out when i was recording Zhi Dui Ni You Gan Jue cos I thought that they would only sing one song!! But they sang four!! Which is actually a good thing also, since I managed to finally enjoy their performance instead of just concentrating on the camera LOL OMG the encore was great!! Not only were they looking so cuteeeeeeeee but it finally struck me why I even liked FRH in the first place!! Before their final goodbye, they apologised for postponing the concert and thanked all of us a million times. They didnt have to that actually. We understand and after all, it is thanks to Jiro that I can come to watch this concert after being postponed XD

I will never forget this day EVER!! The day that Jiro came back as Gui Long XDDD

Aishiteru, Matsumoto Kun ^^


Friday, March 27, 2009

我終於買到我的潮男正传 撐腰相挺慶功版﹗﹗﹗﹗ 我在Amcorp Mall找到的﹗﹗﹗﹗ 只有這裡找到﹗﹗﹗ 雖然有點貴﹐但是很值得因為這張專輯是從香港來的﹗﹗ 我超開心喔。。。 我可是等了有2個月耶﹗而且那個STAGE錢包超可愛的﹗ 這個不是重點﹗ 重點是。。。有國王(以及潮男)小豬羅志祥的親筆簽名﹗﹗﹗ 超棒的﹗﹗﹗

OMG I FINALLY GOT SHOW'S GAIBAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Found it in amcorp, and this is the only place that i can find it!!! It is kinda expensive BUT its worth it!! cos its imported from HK!!! OMG I'M SO HAPPPPPYYYYYY!!! I waited for 2 months for this!!! and the STAGE coin bag!! its so cuteeeeee!!!!! BUT this is not the important part!!! The best part is : THE KING OF THE WORLD/TRENDY MAN SHOW LUO actually autographed the lyric book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


all my show albums + poster XD











please credit and link if you decide to post these pics anywhere. thank you :)

Aishiteru, Matsumoto Kun ^^


Friday, March 20, 2009

OMG 超浪漫﹗﹗﹗﹗ 而且小豬油牽JOLIN的手﹐也叫她BABY﹐讓JOLIN好尷尬﹗﹗﹗超好笑﹗﹗
OMG so romantic!!!! Show even took Jolin's hand and called her BABY LOL making her feel awkward! so funny!!!

Aishiteru, Matsumoto Kun ^^



ripped from the valentines day concert ( i miss watching that concert...)

Aishiteru, Matsumoto Kun ^^


Friday, March 6, 2009

Aishiteru, Matsumoto Kun ^^



Aishiteru, Matsumoto Kun ^^



damn jealous of the ppl getting those gufts againnnnnn :X

Aishiteru, Matsumoto Kun ^^




~is crazy over Jiro Wang, Show Luo and Matsumoto Jun~
~is currently resisting rewatching Hana Yori Dango~
-cannot resist watching 100% Entertainment

- Hana Yori Dango
- Hana Yori Dango 2
- Hana Yori Dango Final

all time faves:
-Yamada Taro Monogatari
- Smile
- Gokusen
- Kimi wa Petto
- Files of Young Kindaichi 3
- Ryusei no Kizuna
- The Quiz Show 2

-Corner With Love
-Hot Shot
-The X family
-Devil Beside You
-Why Why Love
-Bull Fighting

is into:
Show Luo


new walkman phone XD (my walkman is giving me PROBLEMS!!!!!)
SHOW TRENDY MAN album (apart from gaiban vers)
Fahrenheit's gaiban
external hard drive
Arashi concert dvd




min xian
silver dragon
kitsie lj

fui yen
huey nie
mei lin
rachel yau
yuan lin

qi tyng
hui yee



November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010


Designer: Princessilia
for layout codes Layout and colour: Adobe Photoshop CS2
Background: Me
Pictures: crystalove87